Weekly Book Study every Tuesday at 12:00 P.M. Eastern – Featuring
The Perfume of Silence – Francis Lucille Live March 2nd 2021
Francis Lucille
Starts Thursday January 21, 2021 (then moves to Tuesdays at 12 P.M. Eastern) – 30 weeks of The Perfume of Silence
Tuesdays at 12:00 P.M. Eastern for a one hour Satsang
This is another Inspired Read and like Rupert’s essays will promise to find you exactly where you are…
The Perfume of Silence
This book is about enlightenment, spiritual awakening, self realization, meditation, awareness, consciousness, happiness, love, relationships, psychological suffering and human predicament.
Based largely on actual dialogues between Francis Lucille, a spiritual teacher of non-duality, and some of his disciples, the music of freedom that it conveys resonates between the words, and gives the reader an inkling of the peace and happiness that are experienced in the presence of an authentic master.
Bill Free’s Pure Presence Book Club is a free invitation to experience your own Inner Knowing, your deepest love and understanding, your essential Self.
We join in reading another non dual masterpiece by Francis Lucille, Teacher of Rupert Spira. Welcome
Make sure to BUY A COPY and read the preface:
You must own the book or have it on Kindle in order participate.
Try to stay ahead by one week so when you attend, you know what we’re talking’ about. AND you can connect your experience with the group.
We will cover each chapter for two weeks for a deep nourishing experience
From the wisdom of Francis Lucille
The Perfume of Silence Book Study Reading Schedule
Add on Q&A with Francis and Jenny
- Ask the questions you can’t ask anywhere else. Send questions ahead of time to billfreeonline@gmail.com or You can join the facebook group and ask questions here: Your questions will be treated with love, respect and genuine curiosity.
- Bring your friends. Bring a cuppa whatever you love to drink.
- This is a relaxed, casual environment that facilitates an encounter with your deepest Inner Self, Love and Understanding.
- Profound insights. Hilarious laughter. Juicy explorations. Divine experiences. The keys to understanding awakening.
Free for those seeking to experience Divine Truth. If that’s you, here’s what you’re gonna get:
- A global online community
- We will have several guests from previous book club meetings and other surprise guests as we go along.
- live Q&A and discussion
- chat board, but of course!
- A facebook group specifically for the group to share in
- Spontaneous closing guided meditations
With your Hosts Bill Free and Jenny Beal
Bill Free’s Pure Presence Book Club Community
This is more than a mere book club. This is a community for people yearning to have more than just a conversation about a spirituality. This book club takes you from being a reader to actually engaging in self-inquiry and spiritual investigation. You are here to allow the essential nature of consciousness to be revealed to you.
Knowing the Self as God created you. Experientially. Not just intellectually.
Your registration includes:
- Thirty plus Live 1- Hour recorded Video Broadcasts with your host Bill Free and Jenny Beal who will share highlights from each chapter of essays or contemplations compiled by Rupert Spira who published this book for Francis — each session includes a talk about the book followed by the opportunity for you to join by live video and chat with Bill Free and Jenny about the contents and understanding of this book.
- Occasionally A gentle guided meditation sometime during the gathering to powerfully integrate our practice in awareness each time we meet and reflect on the fragrance of the Truth as a direct experience of knowing.